“I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found.”

-John Steinbeck

Welcome to my website. My name is Karin and I’m an adult Third Culture Kid (TCK).

I was born in the United States and spent the better part of my teenage years overseas in the Middle East and Europe. And now, well into my adult years, I have not shaken the desire for travel or exploration.

I started this website as a personal project; a place where I can log my past and present travels and document the sights, sounds, and impressions of places where I’ve lived and visited. As a triathlete and scuba diver, some of this exploration has taken place in water, with running shoes, or on wheels.

Whether exploring different regions within our home country or visiting new ones, traveling opens our eyes to different cultures and histories. It also shows the ways in which we are deeply connected. It inspires self-reflection and tests our boundaries as individuals.

You don’t need to travel far to discover new and interesting places. Through writing and imagery, my goal is to take you to where I‘ve been and inspire you to explore local and travel global.